Instagram niwizzle Ich fühle mich in letzter Zeit wieder abenteuerlu Letzten Herbst war ich bei einem Dreh zum Thema Mu Enjoying the flow on this meteor dart. The feeling I really have been enjoying playing with fire late Ich möchte einen neuen Raum der emotionalen Begeg This winter I was lucky to spend three weeks in th 🎶 "I need something deeper money doesn't stimul This jump was a celebration of life! A beautiful h Searching for new jumps can be a never ending task 🎶 "Dreams will fly by if you don't set yourself Super hot day today for this new jump next to the First time I did a bivouac wingsuit adventure. Tha 🎶 "We don't need to think about it no more Caus Had a good creative day today. Lots of flow and ne As I mentioned in my last post, I recently did a t Last week I finally opened a new jump which I had Two years ago was the first time I thought about j New exit with an entertaining 3+ alpine approach. No fancy take away message on this one, just a lon Mehr laden Auf Instagram folgen